iOS Detection Library
Installing from Xcode (relevant for both Swift and Objective-C projects)
Add the package by selecting Your project name
→ Package Dependencies
→ +

Search for the IDScanIDDetector using the repo's URL:
Next, set the Dependency Rule
to be Up to Next Major Version
and specify the latest version of the package as the lower bound.
Then, select Add Package

Choose the detectors that you want to add to your project.

Adding IDScanIDDetector to a Package.swift
For integration via a Package.swift
manifest instead of Xcode, you can add IDScanIDDetector to the dependencies array of your package:
let package = Package(
name: "MyPackage",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))
// ...
Then, in any target that depends on the detectors, add it to the dependencies
array of that target:
name: "MyTarget",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "IDScanPDFDetector", package: "IDScanIDDetectorIOS"),
.product(name: "IDScanMRZDetector", package: "IDScanIDDetectorIOS")
Installing as XCFramework (relevant for both Swift and Objective-C projects)
To install IDScanIDDetector as XCFramework
, please read here
How to Activate
Obtaining a License Key for PDF Detector or MRZ Detector
In order to receive the License Key send an email to with the Bundle ID. Please be sure to provide your order number in the email once ready to upgrade from trial to production mode. A unique Serial number/Registration Key is provided for this Bundle ID.
import IDScanPDFDetector
import IDScanMRZDetector
let pdfDetector = IDScanPDFDetector(activationKey: "your License key") // = IDScanPDFDetector() for demo mode or you can specify activationKey later
let mrzDetector = IDScanMRZDetector(activationKey: "your License key") // = IDScanMRZDetector() for demo mode or you can specify activationKey later
func captureOutput(_ output: AVCaptureOutput, didOutput sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer, from connection: AVCaptureConnection) {
//Method 1
if let resultPDF = self.pdfDetector.detect(from: sampleBuffer), let resultString = resultPDF["string"] as? String {
self.result(resultString, type: "pdf")
if let resultMRZ = sel.mrzDetector.detect(from: sampleBuffer), let resultString = resultMRZ["string"] as? String {
self.result(resultString, type: "mrz")
//Method 2
let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer)
var ciImage = CIImage(cvPixelBuffer: imageBuffer)
//process an image in the necessary way (brightness, contrast, etc)
if let resultPDF = self.pdfDetector.detect(from: ciImage), let resultString = resultPDF["string"] as? String {
self.result(resultString, type: "pdf")
if let resultMRZ = sel.mrzDetector.detect(from: ciImage), let resultString = resultMRZ["string"] as? String {
self.result(resultString, type: "mrz")
func resultFromDetector(_ rawString: String, type: String) {
//do something with the result (you can use the IDScanIDParserIOS ( to parse raw strings)
@import IDScanPDFDetector;
@import IDScanMRZDetector;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IDScanPDFDetector *pdfDetector;
@property (strong, nonatomic) IDScanMRZDetector *mrzDetector;
- (void)configureDetectors {
self.pdfDetector = [IDScanPDFDetector detectorWithActivationKey:@"your License key"]; // = [[IDScanPDFDetector alloc] init] for demo mode or you can specify activationKey later
self.mrzDetector = [IDScanMRZDetector detectorWithActivationKey:@"your License key"]; // = [[IDScanMRZDetector alloc] init] for demo mode or you can specify activationKey later
- (void)captureOutput:(AVCaptureOutput *)captureOutput didOutputSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer fromConnection:(AVCaptureConnection *)connection {
//Method 1
NSString *pdfResultString = [self.pdfDetector detectFromSampleBuffer:sampleBuffer][@"string"];
if (pdfResultString.length) {
[self result:pdfResultString type:@"pdf"];
NSString *mrzResultString = [self.mrzDetector detectFromSampleBuffer:sampleBuffer][@"string"];
if (mrzResultString.length) {
[self result:mrzResultString type:@"mrz"];
//Method 2
CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
CIImage *ciImage = [CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer:imageBuffer];
//process an image in the necessary way (brightness, contrast, etc)
NSString *pdfResultString = [self.pdfDetector detectFromImage:ciImage][@"string"];
if (pdfResultString.length) {
[self result:pdfResultString type:@"pdf"];
NSString *mrzResultString = [self.mrzDetector detectFromImage:ciImage][@"string"];
if (mrzResultString.length) {
[self result:mrzResultString type:@"mrz"];
- (void)resultFromDetector:(NSString *)rawString type:(NSString *)type {
//do something with the result (you can use the IDScanIDParserIOS ( to parse raw strings)